Title of Property Beach Front propety | Location Freeport | Island Grand Bahama/Freeport | Category Commercial |
Type Land Only | Status For Sale Only | MLS ID 41857 |
This property is addressed as being in the Royal Bahamian Estates Subdivision but it is actually in a small area called the Silver Cove Subdivision along the beach which is populated by upper class homes, multifamily hi-rise, multifamily residential and tourist commercial. It is 200ft on the shoreline along the southern coast which leads to the Atlantic Ocean via the Northwest Providence Channel. It's terrain is relatively flat and has the configuration of a square. The property has unlimited potential and the right developer can capitalize on this opportunity. It also has uninhibited access to the Williams Town boardwalk and government residential community. It is serviced by all utilities available in Freeport - paved roads, city running water, main electrical lines, telephone service, cable and internet. It is located only 6 minutes from downtown and less than 15 minutes to airport or harbor. With it's sandy beach, clear shallow ocean waters and commercial zoning, the possibilities are endless. There are more benefits attached to this purchase that will be discussed with buyer
- Legal Description: All that piece and parcel or tract of land legally referred to Royal Bahamian Estates Park located in the Royal Bahamian Estates Subdivision in Freeport city.